Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's coming along...

So my classroom is coming along, little by little :)

I am really excited about how a few things are turning out, so I wanted to share them with you. 
I can't wait to see what you all think about things so far. I REALLY can't wait to show you my WHOLE room next week...when I am finished...haha... Will that ever happen?

Keep scrolling and you will eventually find a FREEBIE!

First project...
Find this project HERE on TpT
So calendars are a HUGE part of my life. I always have to see everything important for the month. I love for the kids to have the opportunity to see that, as well. Rather than the little calendar I had in my classroom last year, I wanted to make a giant one that we can write on and add important events to! 
I turned my whiteboard on the side of my room (kind of in a weird spot) into a calendar!! 

I used electrical tape to make the 7 x 7 inch squares. It was a really 'rough' measurement...I did not really have any thing to work with to help me make sure it was measured correctly or lined up straight! I had to keep stepping back to see if things looked straight or not..
but that is what is great about electrical tape on a white board - 
you can just take it off and stick it down again.
You can see on the side of the board that there are all kinds of labels you can use monthly (things like no school, assembly, field trip, project due, test today, etc.) All of my actual holidays (like St. Patrick's Day, Labor Day, etc) are in the individual baggies with the letters for that month. The banner on the top was made with ribbon and clothespins. I decided to just clothespin the letters so that each month it will be SUPER easy to change out the letters! :)

I used magnetic sheeting by cutting it up into little pieces and hot gluing it to the backs of the labels. I hardly had to use any magnet for each label - the magnetic sheeting was really strong :) but easy to cut, so I could just use normal scissors. That was nice !
You can see below the brand of magnetic sheeting I used...I have NO idea where it came from because it was actually an item left in the classroom from the teacher who had that room before me! I am glad I saved it because it sure was useful today !! 

Second project...
The next part of my room that I am loving so far is the front white board. I use my Smart Board for anything I write during class, so my white board becomes something like a bulletin board. I find different uses for it all of the time! So above the white board you can see my "We Love Fifth Grade" banner, which I actually plan on moving up since I have added in the letters. The Math Alphabet letters are FREE on my TpT store! I am obsessed with how much color they have added to my room! I am really pleased with how great they turned out. 

Last year I always had to repeat the supplies that the students would need for the lesson a couple of times. I have quite a few Special Ed. students coming up to my class this coming year, and I feel like visuals will be a really great thing for them. I decided that the visuals will help ALL of my students, and myself, because I wont have to repeat myself and it makes it super easy for them! :) Now we will all be happy! I will just move out the different pictures that they need to have out, and they can look up to the board and see what to get. Normally, these pictures will be hidden behind the smart board (there is a large gap back there!) so they wont be confused about what to have out. I turned these into magnets with the same magnetic sheeting I used for my calendar board.

The "Must do", "May do", and "Homework" labels were also turned into magnets. I am excited about how much better these ones look than the ones I had last year....
I have a feeling this will tie into the 7 habits really nicely, too! Gotta put first things first before we can synergize!

Third project...
My "how we get home" chart was my next project! I LOVE visuals! This is a great visual.
(Especially when a sub is in the room and needs a quick way to check 
that everyone is going home the right way)
Of course, it is in my rainbow theme.... 

Fourth project...
Not actually a project... haha !! 
Just something I am really excited about - 

I have so much trouble finding items in ALL of the 6 colors of the rainbow... there is ALWAYS one color missing here or there. I HATE it! When I saw these from afar I basically RAN to them...counting over and over in my head to make sure I was actually seeing the 6 different colors.

:) How exciting ??!!!!???!! :) 

To be honest, I did not even know what they were going to be used for when I bought them; however, I have figured it out! I will keep their weekly folders in there until they go home each Wednesday. That way, they are not one, huge, messy pile... AND, the students can take more responsibility by handling the folders for their group (bin is matching their group color).

I hope you like my room so far :)
I am super glad that things are finally coming together! 
I can't wait until it is complete and I can take pictures of the whole room for you all !!! 
Happy classroom-decorating everyone !

Make sure you go enter my 300 follower giveaway if you haven't had a change yet!!!
Click the picture below :)


  1. Love your calendar. Everything looks great in your room. :) Can't wait to see the final product.

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  2. Cute! Love the "How do we get home" I may have to make one of those! And I wish I had a target close by:(

  3. Oh I LOVE how you did your calendar! I've been thinking about replacing my pocket-chart version this year. Love this idea! Now if I had the whiteboard space to do it... hehe :)

  4. I love your calendar and the rest of your classroom- very colorful.

    Just found your blog and became a follower.

    Ms. Fiorini’s Stadium

  5. I love the cut out supplies on the board idea! I am the inclusion teacher this year so I am stacked with IEP kids! That will be a great help!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Brilliant math alphabet! Thanks for the freebie! I have somehow not been a follower. Have remedied that problem!

    Chickadee Jubilee

  8. The colors are fabulous! Good job on all of your projects. I LOVE your "How we get home" chart. Will you be putting it in your TPT store?

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness

  9. Um. Can I say I am OBSESSED with your math alphabet?! I don't teach math and I want that. And the calendar! If I had the board space I'd be all over that. I LOVE it. Your room looks great!


  10. 1. AWESOME calendar- and well done! Looks perfect to me!
    2. AWESOME Math ABC cards- downloaded already! THANKS.
    3. I LOVE when I find the colours I need to match me theme! I would have sprinted across the store too! LOL!
    4. Blessings!

  11. I just wanted to thank you for being the very first teaching blog I've checked out, and I'm so glad I did. Your ideas are amazing, and I'm loving the calendar made out of electrical tape. I plan on trying that myself. I'm not a new blogger, but I am new to TPT, and you clearly are well versed in the whole process! I've signed up to follow you, and your amazing giveaway, and have added you to my blogroll as well. I appreciate all of your wonderful ideas!

  12. Thanks everyone!! I can't wait to post the pictures of my room when it is ALL DONE! :)

  13. That calendar is BEYOND awesome! I love it!

    Kindergarten Korner

  14. You're room is AMAZING! I am truly inspired! Now to head over to Lakeshore to buy more supplies!

  15. I'm your newest follower! I think your blog is really cute! :) I also love what you're doing in your class so far! Hard work really does pay off. :)


  16. It looks great! So bright and cheery; your students will love it!

    Primarily Speaking

  17. It looks great! I am your latest follower--I would love to have you come and visit my blog--even enter to win a laminator!

  18. Great blog! Love love love your math alphabet--downloaded and ready to print! Will look great in my classroom. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Love the supply pictures, do you have those on TpT or as a freebie?

  20. I absolutely love your classroom! I was wondering where did you find the supply pictures. Thanks.
