Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Classroom Decor ... Finished!

Eeeeeks! I am soooo excited to say that my classroom decorating week is complete! Sooo, many of you know that I used to have a "rainbow" themed classroom. I moved to Florida in January and decided that NOW would be a good time to change my classroom color scheme...since I was having to redecorate all over again anyway! 
Well..I thought it was a good idea....but then I had to recreate everythinggggg 

Here is our BEFORE picture...

I created many of the classroom decor packs that I sell online (or give as freebies!) in my new color scheme. They are available in my TpT store. I will link to pretty much everything from this blog post, though, to make it easier for you to find :) 

I got to creating my white board calendar! I love this part of my classroom! This calendar keeps my whole class organized! I cut and laminated them, and then turned each piece into a magnet by hot gluing the adhesive magnetic stripping to each one. (I know...it is already adhesive...but it does not stick very well to the lamination).

Then I did the same thing with my white board headings!

I used my bulletin board letters for all of my bulletin board titles. The one you see below is outside of my classroom, right by my door!

I added this Welcome Banner to this bulletin board after I took this picture (oops!) and I will leave it up until I get a set of work to display outside of my room :)

When you walk into my classroom and turn left, this is what you see! This area with the two large tables will be my laptop area for the kids. We each have 6 laptops for the students' use! I will display student work and projects on the board above it! By my Promethean board you can see my "Raise a Number" classroom management freebie!

Towards the back you can see my desk area, even though it is far away in this picture!

This view is still from the doorway, but to the right side of the room. You can see my reading corner to the back, and my whiteboard to the right.

Above the white board is my Math Alphabet Posters freebie!
To the left, on the white board, you see my full year calendar
On the rest of the white board you see my headings (also a freebie!)
I really only use the white board for the students homework and my calendar. I use the Promethean board for everything else, so that is why my desks are facing more towards that side of the room!

In the reading corner is where I keep my supplies. I like to have these here because while we are doing work which requires these supplies, there will not be any students in the reading corner - so no one will be bothered :)
The little labels in the front of each supply basket are available free on my facebook page! Look for the "fan freebie"! You will need to "like" my facebook page in order to download it ;) 

The close up of the "Raise a Number" freebie for classroom management! The kids refer to this a lot during the beginning of the year, but then they get used to it. I love it because I can be teaching or back with a small group, and the kids can raise the number. This allows me to see what they need without being interrupted. It is great for me and hopefully can be great for you, too!

My fabulous web chairs and the pink baskets are from Target, the pillows and globe are from Oriental Trading (more about that on my next post!), and the rug is from Ikea!

These are the desk name tags I am going to use this year! I am super excited to get these on the desks. I use contact paper to basically "laminate" them to the desk. It works great and always lasts all year for me! I have never had a problem with students 'picking' at the contact paper. If I feel like I might have a problem with that, I could do something like offering prizes to students whose name tags make it all year!

I used ribbon above my desk to hang pictures of past students and past classes. I love the personal touch to my desk area. It also gives my new students the idea to give me one of their school pictures ;) which I LOVE! :)
You can also see my favorite part of my desk.... my Teacher's Life Binder! ...totally organized!

My sister made this canvas...can you believe it!? My sister!!! Isn't she amazing!? She has an aahhhmazing blog for new mommies out there, but she also has an Etsy shop! I just love love love how I could personalize this with my favorite quote. It think it's super cute next to my pencil sharpener and pencil cup :) These pencils with flags from around the world are from Oriental Trading!

I created this little desk accessory to match my Teacher's Life Binder! You can download this for free HERE in my TpT store :)

I always love to have this next to my door (inside the classroom; on the way out). It really helps me at the end of the day. Students are constantly changing the way in which they go home, and I always worry that one of them will forget they switched their routine...and consequently go home the wrong way! AH! We cannot have that happen! This is also a great help for substitutes. I use clothespins with the students' names to show how they are going home - this way, it can be easily changed if they change their transportation method one day.
I do not have my "how do we get home" chart available on TpT, but my OTHER awesome sister does! Caitlin, from Kindergarten Smiles, has an amazing set! She even has it offered in a few colors!

Most of you know that I love to base my practices on the Seven Habits, Leader In Me, idea. These classroom jobs are specifically designed for a classroom full of little leaders, just like yours! These jobs have real life titles and the description of the job is on the card. I use clothespins with the student's name to show who has which job.
The baskets below the jobs will house "turned in" work in the future :) when my little lovelies come to class.

This board will be FULL of awesome classwork soon! I use wrapping paper from Target as the backing of this board. The bulletin board letters are the same ones I used outside my classroom door in an earlier picture!

The "pom pom" jar! If you have been reading my blog in the past, then you may remember the pom pom jar! This is a classroom management tool I use for class participation and group work, mainly. Each group (row) has a clear jar on their team captain's desk. As students participate or work well in a group, I will hand out pom poms. They can also be removed from the jar ;)
The group at the end of the week that has the most pom poms will receive a prize (usually a brand new pencil, erasers, etc.) My students switch classes, so there is a "catch"... the students from the other class that come in are also eligible for prizes...but this means that they can also lose pom poms for their peers who sit at that row in my homeroom. AH! Talk about pressure ;) haha! It has always worked well for me in class, and its super fun to see how excited they get about pom poms! Especially when I throw them at their group ;)

(You can see the pom pom jars below)

Thanks for touring!!! If you missed a link, find ALL links to products you have seen in my classroom below! I hope you are having fun decorating your class! If you happen to use anything from my classroom in your classroom, too, I would love to see a photo! I love to show photos of how other teachers use Little Lovely Leaders' products in their class!

Welcome Banner (available free in rainbow)
Class Jobs (also available in rainbow colors)
Teacher's Life Binder: Fresh Blooms (also available in Preppy and Out & About designs)
Raise A Number Chart (also available in rainbow)
Labels for bins (handwritten) = go "like" my Facebook page to download this labels freebie!
Full Year Calendar display (also available in rainbow)
Math Alphabet Posters  (also available in rainbow or for the primary grades)

Happy new school year!!! Leave a link in the comments if you want to share your classroom reveal blog post, too!

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of using clothes pins for the go home chart!! So easy for those daily changes!!
