Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ho Ho Holidays!

Guyyyssss! I am sooo late sharing my December Math Pack with you! However, if you are in the hunt for a few last minute activities that are educational but FUN...you're in the right place! 

My kids used this pack today in class and we had so much fun! 

Welcome to Dasher's Diner and Frosty's Finds! This diner and toy shop activity is so much fun! My students loved reading the descriptions for all of the holiday-related food items! My kids spent math time today adding and multiplying decimals using the menu and the catalog to "shop" (there are printables that go with this pack, but you can also create your own activities with these items). 

A look at the covers...
(I glued the pages to a file folder, and then laminated them)

and a look inside....

My students worked in pairs to "shop" and "eat" using the item prices found in the menu or catalog. This was such a great way to review their decimal skills without boring them on this last week before holiday break! 

The pair of students below is using the catalog for Frosty's Finds...

...and now they are using the menu for Dasher's Diner!

In this pack, there are also other games like a decimal war game and a "write the room". If you have not heard of "write the room" before, it is probably because it is usually used in lower elementary grades! My sister used write the room activities with her little kinders, and I just HAD to copy because I knew my fifth graders would love an excuse to be out of their seat! 

In "write the room", students have a printable worksheet that displays different images (or other visuals), along with an answer space next to that image. They then walk around the room to find the "clues". The clues have the matching visual/image on them. When a student finds a clue, they answer the question on their paper next to the matching image. When they are done, they find a seat! I usually have something on the board for my students to do when they are done. During "write the room", some students complete their work more quickly than others. I also love to use "write the room" at a center! Then the kids at the center go back to their table when they finish and compare answers. If they disagree, they need to figure out where their mistakes are in their work (with the help of their team!).

Below you will see the write the room cards that come with the Christmas pack, and the record sheet the kids use when they walk around and show their work.

Found a clue! Working hard! 

Just a few more photos of what comes in the pack!
Happy Holidays!

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