Sunday, February 8, 2015

Freebies We Love

Love is in the air! 
The love for FREEBIES, that is! 

I am hoping that many of you will also want to link up to share your favorite freebies on your blogs! Feel free to steal the image below and link up! February is the month of love....for freebies! 

Rules: In a BLOG POST, share some (try for 4!!) of your favorite freebies created by 
others, and then share one of your own freebies that you love! 
Please be sure to link back to this blog post so that users know where to
find everyone's posts! Thanks everyone!

This will give everyone visiting your blog FIVE awesome freebies to check out!

1. ALL Kimberly Geswein one giant download!

What is better than this? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Kimberly Geswein is beyond amazing! Of course, you will want to buy the license if you are using her fonts for use on your TpT products; however, you can download ALL of the fonts at one time and then use them on everything you create! I love using them in my personal e-mails! So fun! 

2. Math Clue Words by Amber Polk

I put this in all of my students' math journals. They refer to it a lot in the beginning of the year, and then I start to ask them to try not to look at it. They really find it useful. I really find that it is useful for my ESOL students, because they are already not reading a test in their first language. This sheet really helps them during the year. They feel comfortable when looking at it, too. It is really easy to look at, organized, and cute :) This is a great time saver, and I love that it is all on one page.

3. Eight reading strategies posters by Rachel Lynette

I really like these! I have just used them as posters in my room, but this year I actually put four to a page  and gave the students these pages for their journals. I really felt that they not only helped the students by being a reference, but they helped guide my teaching. I make sure to refer to them often, and use them as much as possible in each story we read. I really love the convenience of these! I have used them sooo much more than some of the other things I have downloaded! 

4. Figurative Language Puzzles by Catherine Reed, the Brown Bag Teacher

I did not find these until recently but I love them! I use them as a center activity or as test practice/review when it gets closer to testing. They are easy, convenient, and fun for the kids. They make a really great review game that does not waste a lot of time. We all know we don't have that much time to review things when it comes down to wire, so it's great to have something like this that effectively reviews a needed skill! 

5. White board Headers/Titles by Bridget (me!) from Little Lovely Leaders

I use these little headings ALL of the time! I write my homework down and the subjects are clearly separated, I use them for my "must do", "may do", and "objectives" sections, and I also have "reminders", "weather", and MANY other sections in this pack. This pack is available in both a rainbow and a blue & pink version. I use these every single day, no doubt!

Thanks for joining me in my linky party! Check out other bloggers below to see their favorite freebies! I would love if you would link up and post about YOUR favorites, too! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this awesome link-up! I LOVE Kimberly Geswein fonts!!

    Also, your name is a favorite of mine. :)
