Wednesday, July 8, 2015

I'm not in Vegas...but...


I am not in Vegas...which is really really sad... BUT I am in the mountains on Vacation with my family! Yay!

I am joining Kristin from School and the City in her linky party for those of us who are not in Vegas...we are doing fun things, too, ya know! :) ....even though we are really really realllllly jealous of all of you Vegas goers... I am doing a good job pretending not to be... 

We come every year for vacation around fourth of July. As a teacher, I usually get to come up to my parents' mountain house more often in the summer; however, other members of my family who have all year jobs (I mean, what IS that? haha!) make it a point to come up for the week of the 4th! We love it! We have a blast. It overlaps with my dad's birthday, which is also fun! We have Family Olympics each year, too, that the guys take part in. They compete in teams of two (my dad, along with the son-in-laws, since there are no real sons in the family) in events like horseshoes, darts, pool, golf, corn hole, etc. It is a blast for them! .....while they do that...what do the girls do? SHOP! (That's our Olympics event! haha!)

I have been getting to take naps with my 6 month old niece/goddaughter throughout this vacation....I think it has been my favorite part!!  Isn't she just a baby doll!?! I just love to squeeze her!

I stare at her knuckles while she naps....

I was out running, which is really not easy in mountains (when I am from Florida, where it is SO FLAT!) so I had to stop and rest on the golf course. Isn't it just so pretty!?

Both of my nieces, Savanna and Juliet, sitting on the porch in their matching outfits!

Sitting by a waterfall after a hike! So calming! I wish I had one in my backyard ALWAYS! I would never get sick of it!

I wish you could see more in this pic - we are on what looks like a rock-diving board! It hung out over a long drop! ...was kind of scary, but cool!

Making homemade pizzas in the pizza oven is one of my favorite parts of being here! I just love it so much! They taste so good! My dad is the ultimate pizza maker! :) 

So what are you doing if you're not in Vegas?! I would love to check it out if you link up, too!
(link at the top of this blog post)



  1. It looks like you are having a GREAT time! If you can't be in Vegas, at lease you are in another great place! Both of your nieces are absolutely precious. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

    Thanks for linking up!
    School and the City

  2. Looks like you are having a PERFECT vacation! There is nothing like being with family! Enjoy!
