Thursday, May 18, 2017

Center Organization by Standard

I may have mentioned being slightly Type A in my last post...well...that part of me is at it again! 

Get Your Centers Organized  - pack link HERE
This document is a PPT (Power Point) file, so you can edit it however you'd like to suit your needs!

So...what is it exactly?! I'll explain...

The print outs come in 3 different formats; however, they basically all do the same thing, it just depends on how you want to organize your centers - by standard and subject, just by standard, or by the week for your plans. 

Reason for creating this product:
I seem to always forget what activities, craftivities, and games I have for each standard I teach. I teach a skill, and then stumble upon this great center I have AFTER I taught it and moved on...SO ANNOYING! Now that I have these papers, I can refer to them every time I teach a new standard and then I can get the center/game ready ahead of time!

If you organize you centers by standard, you simply fill in the chart with the standard, the skill/concept, and the center/activity description. You can also use the same form for organizing it, except one form has a subject line. If you teach all subjects, it may be helpful to have different papers for each standard. The last paper allows you to write out your centers for the week. This is helpful for those of you working at schools that require centers on some days or require to see them in your plans. 

This document is a PPT (Power Point) file, so you can edit it however you'd like to suit your needs!

1 comment:

  1. Nice idea! Thanks for sharing and making this editable! I also can never seem to remember what I have either - this looks like a good solution!
