Sunday, June 16, 2013

Decor for Science Lovers!

Happy Father's Day! 
I have a lot of Father's to be thankful for today! My father (of course), my grandfather, my father-in-law, my grandpa-in-law, my brother-in-law (she is the cutest niece ever!), and my husband (the father of 2 pets!). I am so lucky to have all of them! They are the best men around!

I've been enjoying the beginning of Summer by relaxing in the mountains with my mom, sister, and husband. Of course, I cannot just STOP working, haha! That is just not possible! It is too much fun to create things for my classroom! It took me quite a few days, but I am finished with some new classroom decor! It's for all of you Science lovers out there!

I just love it! I am thinking I will need to change my room around so that these can be seen right when you walk in! They are so bright and fun! I love how they incorporate vocabulary, reading, and spelling with Science. There is a lot more writing in Common Core, and I am excited to use these posters as a teaching tool with my students! They can be used for labels on a word wall, or as a book in the reading corner (bind it!), or just as an alphabet over your whiteboard!

Some of you may have seen the Math Alphabet I created last year (in upper elementary and primary), but if you are a Science lover, this is the one for you! This alphabet is 141 pages! I know, I know...the alphabet is only 26 letters!! Why so many pages!? There are multiple choices for each letter of the alphabet so that teachers at all grade levels can find a word that is used in their curriculum! I hope you all like them! 

In the spirit of Father's Day, I would love love love to give this product away! So...the first five people to leave a comment and tell me the thing they are most thankful for about a father in their life will receive this Science alphabet in their e-mail! Don't forget to leave your e-mail, as well, so that I can send it your way!

Go check out everyone else's "made it" at
Fourth Grade Frolics Monday Made It!


  1. OH MY GOSH. I adore these and think they would go fantastic in any science classroom!! As for what I'm most thankful for about my stepdaddy is that he is ALWAYS there for me. He's always got a way to make me smile no matter what. My true daddy is in heaven as of three years, but he was the most AMAZING man I've ever met, but stepdaddy comes in a close second :)

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  2. These are very cute! I need a little umph to my science


  3. I am thankful for a loving and supportive dad.

  4. These are adorable!! I absolutely love the visuals! The thing I love most is that I have had a lot of Father figures in my life that have taken me under their wing and been there for me when I need it! I love just spending that time talking to them and knowing they truly care for me!

    Heather Salsman

  5. I am thankful for my father's support in my career! I'd love this science alphabet! My e-mail address is

  6. I'm the new science curriculum director at my school this is amazing!
    I didn't grow up with my dad...but I did live a few houses away from my grandfather. He is the best man I've ever known. He taught me to stand up for what's right...go after anything I want...and love love love.
    I love that man!

    The Tutu Teacher

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. My daddy was my grandfather who always was there for me!

  9. This is so cute!

  10. I grew up with just my mother, and she was the best "father figure" to all three of her kids! I'm thankful I had someone to fill both sets of shoes.

  11. Forgot to tell what I am thankful for my father.That he is still here at age 87!

  12. I am thankful my father allowed me to form my own opinions as I grew. I only had 16 years with him but he was the best.

  13. Ahhh, I missed it!! Love this!!!!! My mom raised my brother and I and did a fantastic job of being mom and dad.

  14. Wow this is so perfect! What an amazing creation! You never fail to amaze me! Expect lots of wonderful TPT feedback on this one!

    And just for fun, I am most thankful that my father inspired my passion for teaching.
    The Polished Teacher

  15. These are so cute! We are departmentalizing next year for the first time and I am teaching math/science. I am so thankful that my husband is a godly father to my children. If only we hadn't gone out to eat after church I could have snagged a copy! Oh well...maybe next time! =0)
    Teachin' First

  16. I love these! What a great way to integrate science concepts!!!

  17. I am way late for this, but I have your math alphabet and it was a great help to my firsties this past year (and everyone was jealous when they came to my room). This would be a great addition to add underneath the math alphabet, so it is on my back to school wishlist. You rock!

  18. I have your math alphabet and I am so sad I am too late for this one. I will add it to my wishlist & maybe I can afford it.

    Thanks for being so creative!

  19. These are awesome cuz, you have amazed me again!

  20. Darn it! Way late to this party, but I will check out your math alphabet since I love teaching math!!

  21. I just love these. What a great idea! Will you be making them in different colors by chance? What about a B&W set?

    I am thankful that my daughter gets the Daddy I never had. I believe she will be a confident woman due to the love of her Dad.


  22. I have your lovely math ones already, and I have these wishlisted in my TpT! Love it!

    Carried Away in...K!

  23. They would look so cute on our science wall! Wish I had got on my computer earlier!

  24. I am teaching 2nd grade Science for the first time this year. I think your alphabet would be perfect in my classroom. My theme is polka dots. Adding it to my wishlist.

    I lost my dad 20 years ago to colon cancer. I am thankful for his example of strength in the face of adversity and ability to laugh through the pain.


  25. I am a 4 year old kindergarten teacher. Always looking for ways to integrate more science into my classroom.
    My dad is the most ordinary man turned by love into a hero, a adventurer, a story-teller, a singer of songs. My dad is respected because he gave me leadership. My dad is appreciated because he gave me care. My dad is valued because he gave me time. My dad is loved because he gave me everything he had. Love you Dad!

  26. super cute! I teach science mostly so these are so me!

  27. I just found your blog through Tara's Monday Made It linky party! I am your newest follower and LOVE the alphabet! :)

    Adventures in Room 204

  28. I am teaching third grade science for the first time ever. I've always taught second grade. This alphabet would be perfect for my new class.
    My dad passed away six years ago at Father's Day from brain cancer. He encouraged me and loved me unconditionally.

  29. Can i have this one pls. Pls.

  30. Can i have this one pls. Pls.
