Thursday, November 14, 2013

Turkey Time!

It's the time of year!
Turkey Time!

This week felt a little sloooww so I decided it was time for a craftivity! I guess I was feeling a bit "seasonal", so I decided to create a turkey! I think he/she came out super cute!

Click here to get this craft!

I used this turkey craftivity to allow my students to express their knowledge of equivalent and simplified fractions. The feather colors are like a key, or legend, for finding the matching fractions. My students worked in pairs to complete their math work and create their turkey!

I gave them a bunch of fractions that they could choose from on the board. They chose four fractions to  simplify. They also needed to find one more fraction that is equivalent to the fractions they chose. Ending up with three fractions for each of the four they chose originally, you end up with 12 feathers!

I love to watch how cute they turn out!

A few girls in my class got soooo creative! Isn't she just adorable!? These girls are the reason I added a bow option to the craftivity pack! I just could not handle this cuteness!!

You can do so many things with this craft. I have included the fraction idea in the pack already; however, some other ideas I would use this turkey craft for are...

vocabulary and definition
spelling words in ABC order
ordering numbers, fractions, or decimals from least to greatest (or opposite)
adding or subtracting on one feather, the matching feather containing the answer

...and so many more!

Feel free to leave your ideas in the comments below!! I would love to hear them!

Click HERE or on the image to get this craftivity for yourself!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. How adorable! I love when teachers give older kiddos the chance to be artsy and creative, too!
    Just Reed!

  2. Absolutely LOVE this craft for bigger kids :) So cute!

  3. This is super cute! I would use it for multiplication and division since that's what we are waist deep in right now! :)
    A Tall Drink of Water

  4. This is so cute! very fun for the kids!
