Sunday, April 2, 2017

End of the Year Project Idea

One of my favorite parts of the end of the year is doing project-based learning to review old skills & content, or research new content. Before testing, my students are mentally exhausted from all of the new content we've been learning. We still need to review the content so they're ready, and below I am going to explain one of my go-to projects for this time of the year

Review books are one of my favorite projects because they do not require very much direction, you can grade them using a rubric depending on your goals, and the kids love them! 

I simply made a list of the topics in math we had covered so far this year and handed it out to the students with the simple directions to "create a book explaining how to do the skill to a fourth grader" (we are in fifth grade). I like this because they have to use their own words to explain the content, and they try to make it sound simpler since they know they are trying to explain it to a fourth grader. 

Some of the students got super creative, like the student who wrote "8 Little Geometric Terms Jumping on the Bed," while other students simply teach the skill in a more "textbook" way. 

(in case you caught the misspelling below - "fractionos" was 
an inside joke at school this past year...haha)

Below is a view at the inside of one of the geometric terms projects. She created hers to be more like a dictionary teaching the terms. 

The students got to pick their own content area they wanted to do their project on; however, I did go around the room and ask them their choice to make sure I ended up with at least 2 of each skill from the year. I wanted to make sure we reviewed ALL skills when we presented our projects. 

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