Monday, April 3, 2017

Foldables for Full Unit Notes

Anyone else love foldables? I do, I do, I do! 

One of my favorite ways to use foldables is to pack the entire unit into one foldable. We then save them for the end of the year when we review. I hand them all of their foldables and the students are always amazed at how much work they have done and how much they have learned. 

I choose the tabs based on our state standards and what I need to be sure to cover. It helps me stay focused on the standards, while giving great organization to the kiddos!

See inside most of our ecosystem foldable below:

I also like to use the simple tri-fold foldables for smaller amounts of information. 

Below we used the tri-fold foldables for the inner and outer planets, as well as for animal adaptations. I just love how much students learn from illustrating and captioning. These tie in well with our text features lesson, as well. 

A student explains the animal's adaptation in the inside of the foldable below.

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