Saturday, August 12, 2017

Happy Notes for Parent Communication

No matter what method or system your school uses for positive feedback to students and parents, this organizational tool will help you keep track of which students you have given positive feedback to, and which ones you might be forgetting. 

To use this system, you simply write the names of your students down the first column. You can print as many pages as you need depending on how many classes you teach. Then you just put a tally in the box under the month you are in each time you send a positive note home with that child. You can keep track, making sure you are sending home happy notes as equally as possible with all of your students each month. Sometimes the students we forget are the ones who are actually behaving so well everyday! We forget we need to compliment them, since they are so self motivated already!

This item is not editable, so you will have to write your students names in, and will not be able to type them in. However, this is not so hard since it is not a formal document, you can usually just write their first names in each box. 

Below you can see the item cover that you will see on Teachers Pay Teachers. There are 14 different designs in total, 3 of which are black/white (printer-friendly) - those are not pictured in the photos below but you can see them if you follow the link to TPT and check out the item photos there! 

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