Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Taking Requests

January is FLYING by so quickly! I can't even handle it! 
So, I have to start with a huge apology...

I have not updated my Facebook Fan Freebie in SOOOO long, it is ridiculous! I can't believe how long I have had that on the back burner! How dare I do that to you all!?

Anyhow...updating it this week and I want to hear your thoughts.

What is it that you feel like you NEED, but cannot find it anywhere!? I would love to create this item for you as a "Thank You" for being a fan/reader of Little Lovely Leaders!

In order to request something, head over to my Facebook page and comment on the recent thread about my fan freebies. DONT FORGET to "Like" the page so that you will be able to download the new freebie once it is created!

So...I am asking you...

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