Saturday, January 25, 2014

Updated Fan Freebie

After listening to what other teachers say they feel like they are missing in their classroom organization system, I have created a new FACEBOOK FAN FREEBIE!

This system will help you keep track of all of the centers you have available in your classroom - whether they are games, flash cards, word work, etc. 

I have always felt like I create these awesome centers one year, and then the next year during that same unit I forget that I have that created...sitting and waiting...nice and neat... in my classroom CLOSET!

That is NOT where it belongs! 

I decided that I need to have a LIST. I mean...I already have a list for everything else...what's one more? This list will keep my centers and games in order by standard. I sit down and plan for the week, look right to the standard I am teaching, and BAM! There are all of the centers I have to reinforce that standard! I just love a reference sheet!

These lists are done on PowerPoint slides, so the charts are completely editable. You can type straight into them. That is probably what I will do...rather than write them like I started to... because as time goes by I may create more centers and want to add them in by the correct standard. 

How do you download this freebie?

If you are not already a Facebook fan of Little Lovely Leaders, you will need to "like" the page before you can download this organization system!
Happy Organizing!


  1. What a great idea! Thank you so much :)

  2. Agh! I tried posting a comment already and I think I failed, haha! (Sorry if you are getting this twice.)

    Anyway, my name is Amber and I am in love with your blog! You have lots of awesome stuff to share! I noticed that your school has a focus on leadership. I am on a planning team for a new public charter school that is opening up in our district in the fall. Our school with also have a focus on leadership and community activism. Our instructional model will be Project-Based Learning with a science and math curricular focus. I would absolutely LOVE to hear anything you have to share on the leadership aspect of things! Also, I am going to be a Kinder teacher at our new school; if you have a great Kinder teacher who might be willing to be a contact for me, please please share my e-mail address with him/her: Thanks a million and I look forward to reading your posts in the future!!

  3. I am not able to get to your freebie. Is there any way you could email it to me? I would love to have this! I liked your facebook link, but still couldn't access it. Thank you so much!

  4. I liked your page on facebook and clicked on fan freebies but all it downloaded was labels. Is there any way you can e-mail me the center organization pages? My e-mail address is
    Thanks in advance!

  5. I also liked your page on Facebook and couldn't find this freebie. My email address is

    Thank you!

  6. Bridget this is fantastic!! Like others who've commented, I tried to do the freebie but just got labels. Do you still have this accessible as a Freebie?? I would love to get all of my centers organized like this to make my life less hectic! Thank you! My email is

  7. Ditto to the above!

  8. Ditto!

  9. I'd also love a copy! Thank you!

  10. I would also love a copy! Thank you so much!

  11. I liked the Facebook page as well, but I too was only able to download labels. Can you send this to me at please and thank you?

  12. I'm not able to find the freebie either! If you are able to email mine is

  13. I would love this freebie. I will even buy if it has been moved to Teacherspayteachers. email is

  14. I'd love a copy as well!
    My email is
    Thanks!! :)

  15. Happy New Years !
    I liked your page on FB
    Could you send the freebie to
    Muchas Gracias

  16. Hi ☺ could i have it too, please?

  17. What a great and simple idea! Why I didn't I think to do something like this. Thank you for sharing!

  18. I would love this freebie as well and can't access on Facebook. Thanks for sending it to me!

  19. Can I also be emailed the freebie please

  20. Please add me as well. I followed the directions and "Liked" your FB page, but I can't seem to access center organization freebie.

  21. Can you please send me this freebie too?? i liked you on fb, but can't find it! Thanks!!
