Tuesday, June 23, 2015

TpT Seller Challenge: Week 2

We're back at it!
Week 2 of the TpT seller challenge! 

Don't forget to check out #tptsellerchallenge on social media to see what everyone is up to! Yeah, YOU... I know you are sitting there looking at instagram... ;)

This week's challenge is listed below:

So...here I go...unloading all of my hopes and dreams on to you and trying to type with my fingers crossed so that they all come true! I am a little nervous though...don't they say that if you say your dreams and wishes out loud then they won't come true? ;) haha!

First on the list, FAMILY :) Of course! I moved back to South Florida last year just for these folks! I love my family, and I could spend every minute with them! My husband and I are always finding time to be with family. We love it! We don't have any kids of our own yet, and hopefully we are blessed enough to have that for ourselves in the future; however, we love love love being with our family.  We just had his parents in town this past weekend, which was wonderful because we don't get to see them as much. In addition to that, I have three sisters, two brothers-in-law, and two nieces. We are actually all meeting up in the North Carolina mountains this coming week to spend time together as a family! I can't wait! Everyone, one house, and no one is going to work! Yay! Gotta love putting family first!

The family in Ireland last summer. One niece not pictured because she was not born yet ;)

Second: Aren't there always improvements to be made in our TpT stores? I feel like there is just ALWAYS something on my list of things to do for the store. I can't keep up! Hopefully, one day, I will fee caught up! Hey...we are allowed to DREAM right now, right?

Third: The Teacher's Life Binder is a major passion of mine. I just always want to make it the best it can be. Each year I update it and then the next year, I write down things I want to do for the future! There is always another way to make it better! I just want to make teachers' lives as easy and organized as possible so that they can have time for all of the other stuff they need to do!

Fourth: Did you hear!? I am starting to hand-make jewelry for sale! :) I am SUPER excited about this!! Check out my website to see the few designs that are listed so far...and remember, I take custom orders so you just let me know the colors you need and we can work something out! :)

Last, but DEFINITELY not least: Traveling! I am lucky enough to have already traveled much of the world; however, there are always new places and new memories to be made. I put this last because I want to save it for when I can travel with my kids when they are a bit older (and I mean...I haven't had any yet so here's to dreaming!). I really felt like traveling as a kid allowed me to gain insight into parts of the world a lot of people don't get to see. I grew up with tolerance and love for people of all races and religions because my parents took us around to new places all of the time! I feel like it helped me with geography as a kid, too ;) haha! 


If you are interested in what other amazing teachers have done with this week's challenge,  head over to one of the host blogs below to check out the linky party!


  1. I love that you are so close to your family! I have just gotten home from a trip overseas with my in laws and it was the best fun. Your jewelery is beautiful!! Best of luck with your new little store. I'm off to check out your teacher life binder. Why have I never heard of this?!

    Little Lifelong Learners

  2. One of my dreams is to travel too! I haven't traveled much (yet), but I love it and agree, I love experiencing new cultures! I am also close with my family- that's so great that you are too! Thanks for sharing your dreams- I consider them more like goals to keep each other accountable with!! :)

  3. I completely agree that there are always improvements to be made in my TPT store. It seems like every time I add or update a product, I add about five things on my to do list. I love the necklaces you have made so far. Good luck with your jewelry line, and enjoy your time with your family!

    Fit to be Fourth
