Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Talk About 'Em Tuesday!

Hey y'all! Welcome to the first ever week of "Talk About 'Em Tuesday!" 
Each Tuesday I am going to highlight a different small business that I have used personally AND why I love them! It might be a TpT store, it might be an Etsy store...maybe it will be a local store near me! Who knows?! I just want to shine some light on some of my favorite small businesses, and I am hoping you all will want to do the same! I love that technology has allowed us to have these small businesses, and there is no better feeling than buying something from someone who is also a teacher, or a stay-at-home mom, or a rookie artist! I would rather give my money to these amazing people than a big business! 

Today I am going to discuss Create the Cut: Unique Graphic Design 

(click the link for the Etsy shop!)

This shop is family run and especially unique. This particular shop is special to me because I used their graphics for two of my Teacher's Life Binders! Every single image downloads perfectly! They do not get blurry when you shrink or enlarge the graphics. The backgrounds go perfectly with any fonts and designs. I love their color combinations and their themed packs! 

You can see some of her images below in the background of the Teacher's Life Binder from this year. Each flower and leaf is an individual piece of clip art. They were so fun to play around with and place on the page because they are all so beautiful! 

Create the Cut is one my favorite Etsy shops! Everything they design is beautiful in its own way. They are each unique and make my happy by just looking at them! I loooooove them! 

Think of all of the pretty things you can make when clip art is THIS PRETTY!

Check out their store HERE

I would love for you to share your favorite small businesses each week with us! If you'd like to blog about one and join our linky party, please do! We'd love for you to join!

Just be sure to grab the linky image at the top of this blog post and post it on yours, as well. Also, grab my button so that you can link your followers back to this page if they want to see everyone else's link ups! It will be kind of like going shopping because we will get to check out all of these new small businesses everyone loves!


  1. I love the preppy pansy set! Great linky idea :) I'm excited to see what everyone has to share!

  2. Awesome idea! I'll definitely be linking up for this cause. I LOVE great Etsy finds, so I'll have to check out Create the Cut! Love it!

    Write On, Fourth Grade!
