Sunday, January 29, 2017

Electric Circuits Activities, Experiments, and Reasoning Pack

New pack posted! Being pregnant has definitely caused me to be a little "slow" in getting the things I want to post up on Teachers Pay Teachers. 7 months...I posted something! Feels like a major accomplishment...I'm not going to lie!

The two major things I am addressing in this pack are:

1) that in order for a circuit to work, it requires a complete and connected loop
2) that some materials act as conductors of electricity, while others act as insulators

We also get to play with series and parallel circuits in this pack!

The pack starts off by having your students experiment with simple circuits. They get to play with the wires, lights, batteries, etc. This allows them to gain the understanding of why a circuit works the way it does, and what happens when it is an open circuit. 

Each classroom handout/recording sheet/activity comes with a description page before it. This page explains what will be happening when your students do the following activity. It also explains what vocabulary and concepts they should have prior knowledge of before doing the assignment or experiment. This pack is not meant to fully replace anything you've used to teach in the passed, but meant to ADD "hands on" activities to your curriculum, in a STEM-like way. 

These students figured out how to get their light bulb to light using the materials I gave them!

When it comes time to play with the series and parallel circuits, the students are able to follow the pictures on the recording sheet in order to build the circuits. This is because by the end of the pack, they are so familiar with the materials that they don't need very much direction! The last parallel circuit was a bit hard for them to build on their own, but with little help, they were really successful! It was really great because they did not expect it to be parallel, but when they unplugged one of the lights and the other one stayed ON they were SO SHOCKED!

The students answer thought-provoking reasoning questions on their recording sheet after each circuit they build.

Cut and sort activities, as well as experiments with the wires, for conductors and insulators are also included. Below you can see a student working with the cut and sort activity. The item that shocked most of them? Concrete is a conductor!

I love how this student got creative when we glued our cut and sort activity pieces to construction paper. The word "conductors" allows electric charges to pass through it, while the word "insulators" does not!

For the link to the pack again, click HERE
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!

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