Monday, June 15, 2015

TpT Seller Challenge: Week 1

I have accepted the challenge! Ah!

I am so glad to be a part of this challenge because it will hold me accountable for something this month! I feel like it is sooo easy for us to get off track in the summer...well, I should only speak for myself...some of you might be really productive! I seem to get really excited about my family...eating beach...hahaha and the list can go on! I am really glad to have something to keep my productivity I have joined the TpT Seller Challenge! 
(definitely check out #tptsellerchallenge on social media to see what everyone is up to!)

This week's challenge is listed below:

I have chosen to freshen up my Converting Decimals, Percents, and Fractions Activities Pack! (Click Here!) I am super excited about the fresh look it has now! Yay!

I also edited the pages inside of this pack so that they all go with the look of the cover :) Yay! I can't wait to print this pack and replace my activity bins with the fresher looking version!

If you've already purchased this pack, be sure to go redownload it so that you can also have the new look! If you have not purchased this and are interested, click here to see it on TpT or click here to view my blog post about the pack!


If you are interested in what other amazing teachers have done with this week's challenge,  head over to one of the host blogs below to check out the linky party!


  1. How fun is your new background and graphics? Love it!
    Aylin :)
    Learning to the Core

  2. Love the changes you've made! I teach 6th grade and this is a skill the kids struggle with at times. I'm adding to my wishlist so I don't forget about it!
    Classroom Compulsion

  3. The changes look great! I think you will attract many new buyers. It is much more eye-catching.

  4. I love those water color graphics!! So cute!

  5. Those are amazing graphics! So cute.

  6. That cover is totes adorable! I love the whole aesthetic of your blog and button! You definitely stand out in the TPT world!

  7. So adorable!!! Love your taste! :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Whoops, sorry! My Google accounts aren't linking correctly soo anyways (blah blah blah) - What I had originally yped for you said that your makeover is INCREDIBLE! I have been eyeing the planner that you made with those same graphics. Love it!!

    School and the City
